Recorded deep energy clearing, healing and activation

This is a very powerful comprehensive guided quantum energy healing session, deep energy clearing, healing on many levels and activation that supports you in your healing, evolution and transformation. We are utilizing the quantum field beyond space and time, working with your Higher Self, Guides and Personal Healing Team. The Quantum Field is a vast interconnected web of energy that permeates every aspect of our existence. By tapping into this field, we can access new levels of consciousness and transform our lives in profound ways.
The purpose of this session is to empower you by experiencing a profound quantum healing as a shorter version of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session, focusing specifically on the clearing, healing and activation part (not including visiting past lives). On the other hand, it can serve as a preparation for a live online or in-person Quantum Healing Hypnosis session with me, although not necessary.
It is a recorded session that in its pure form can be utilised repeatedly enhancing deeper and deeper clearings, healing and activations. You only receive as much healing and activation each time you listen to this recording, as is appropriate for you at that moment in time, no more, no less.
I created this session for a universal application using some of the techniques I apply in my Quantum Healing Hypnosis online sessions, yet with a unique approach by receiving support from your higher aspect and team. It is carefully designed with a specific order of healing tools and energy transmission – Source energy coming through my voice.
What is included in this session?
76 minutes of energy work, including:
- Deep relaxation, intention setting and protection
- Chakra clearing and balancing
- Deep clearing process including trauma release, removal of low vibrational energies, negative attachments
- Healing with high vibrational intelligent energies
- Canceling unsupportive contracts and vows
- Cutting unhelpful cords
- Universal forgiveness practice
- Heart opening exercise
- Soul fragment retrieval
- DNA activation & integration of divine ascension codes and Source light into your cells and your energy field
- Establishing connection with your Higher Self & message, guidance from them

Who can benefit from this recorded session?
Anyone and everyone who is ready and committed to evolution, transformation, healing and looking for a way to heal physical, mental, emotional imbalances. This comprehensive journey is supporting you in releasing anything that doesn’t serve your highest and greatest good and filling you up with high vibrational intelligent healing energies, ultimately helping you raise your vibration and elevate your consciousness. This leads to empowerment, more joy, awareness, enhanced cell function. Since it’s recorded, you can benefit from it endlessly, repeating on a regular basis, reaching deeper level of transformation and activation – from the comfort of your home.
What can you expect during this energy session?
Everybody has a unique experience! Since it’s a very comprehensive and deep energy work, we will work with a lot of energy. You may feel energy flowing through your body, you may feel tingles, temperature changes in your body (warm or cold sensations), energy being released and pulled out from your body. You may see images, colours, shapes in your mind’s eye. You may have a deep knowing about what is happening and answers. You may receive information in other ways. You may experience heightened emotions – allow tears to flow and emotions to be felt. You may not feel or sense anything. It’s all perfectly fine! No matter what you feel or experience, you are receiving all the energy, clearing and activations exactly as you need it!

Disclaimer – This guided quantum energy healing session is NOT a diagnostic method or medical treatment, neither substitute for any medical care, diagnosis, consultation or therapy; it is complementary to all conventional treatments. If you have a medical condition, please consult with your physician. Please note that all healing in this session is self healing performed by the higher aspect of you. Individual results may and will vary. Each session is unique and its success depends on your full participation in the entire process. Results are ultimately achieved through your own personal efforts at applying these techniques over time for which you must accept full responsibility.