What is Light Language (LL)?

Light Language is a transformative energy healing modality, a multidimensional healing tool that communicates with your Higher Self and is understood by your Soul, your heart, your energy field. It is a channeled encodement of high frequency sound and light that works on a quantum level, bypassing the ego mind and speaking directly to your Soul. It brings through powerful vibrations and codes that facilitate the release of patterns/beliefs/blockages that no longer serve or trauma that we are ready to work through, heal disease in the mind or body, activate your innate power, realign your energetic, emotional, mental, and/or physical body, raise your vibration etc. It is a beautiful experience, you simply feel it. It is a powerful catalyst for our individual and collective evolution.

Our Higher Self, the non-linear aspect of us, acts as a bridge between the non-linear Light Language being channeled and our physical human being. Our Higher Self works with the codes as information and uses them for our highest good, healing and evolution. 

What comes through in a Light Language session / What is being channelled?

Since our universe and the multiverse itself is infinite, there are limitless number of Light Languages that can come through. Generally, however there are 4 main kinds of energetic light codes: Galactic (star beings, ETs), Angelic, Elemental (faeries, elves, dragon etc) and Ancient or Future Earth Light Languages. All forms have been activated within me and I channel many different languages which all sound and feel very different. Ultimately the type of LL that comes through a session differs per individual based on the person’s needs and intentions. Additionally, usually more than one type of LL being transmitted, for instance it starts with Angelic emotional clearing and nurturing, then shifts into Future Earth LL for physical healing and finally brings in Galactic information and activations for consciousness elevation.

There are four forms of transmitting, expressing Light Language: speaking, signing, singing, and writing. I have experience in all forms, however my main and strongest ways of communicating LL are signing (hand gestures) and speaking. In the session it may be a combination of these forms or just one form. Since LL is a non-linear type of light code transmission, it is not like an Earthly language that you can translate word by word. One single light code can contain a vast of information. Your Soul, heart, cells, energy field receives the light codes directly and understands their meaning and through your Higher Self initiates the necessary release and/or activation process.

How can Light Language assist you?

In our Light Language session we either identify a specific area to work on or allow the light codes to flow for your highest good. As a new paradigm of healing modality, Light Language can assist you in all areas of your life, here are some examples:

◆ Release energetic blocks, negative emotions / thought patterns, limiting beliefs
◆ Increase your intuition, activate your pineal gland and your psychic gifts
◆ Repair and activate DNA, accelerate Ascension
◆ Strengthen communication with your Higher Self, your Guides
◆ Balance chakras, realign with your organic blueprint
◆ Heal physical ailments
◆ Heal pets
◆ Clear your space, home energetically
◆ Realign you with your true Soul purpose
◆ Raise your vibrational frequency

Transmissions can be face-to-face or remote, and they are equally effective whether live or recorded, such as when accessed via audio or video media. Each session is unique and facilitates the energy and light code transmissions that are most needed at that moment in time. Light Language is always safe and cannot be used for harm or to create disturbances in someone’s energy field. It is also perfect to use along with other healing modalities. I often combine Light Language with Crystalline Soul Healing with no additional fee as they compliment each other in a very harmonious and effective way, enhancing healing.

I offer 2 types of Light Language Sessions:


We meet online or in-person in our scheduled time

1. Heart-to-heart conversation about the area you want to work on together and setting the intention

2. Light Language Transmission in the form of signing and speaking (occasionally written light codes come through as well). You may simply relax in a comfortable position, either sitting up or lying down. During a transmission, you may have various physical, mental, emotional experiences as your energy moves and shifts.

3. Sharing experiences and insights, discussion, you can ask questions

4. After the session you will receive the recording of your LL session. Each time you listen to your personal Light Language, you receive a new energetic gift. One day it may initiate a clearing and balancing and on another day activation and alignment. It is helpful to take time to integrate the session, such as paying attention to shifts, as awareness helps anchor them in.


You email me about your focus area and I video record your personal LL transmission. Since LL is a non-linear energetic transmission and thus not bound by space and time, it works beautifully outside a scheduled session.

1. Email from you about the specific topic, area you would like to receive healing, expanding transmission

2. I set aside a specific time for channeling Light Language for you and I video record the entire session – usually it’s a combination of signing (hand gestures) and speaking LL, occasionally written light codes also come through

3. I email you the recorded video LL session with any additional insights that I receive during the channeling. I also add a guidance on how to receive the transmission.

4. You set aside time to watch your personal recorded session. Start by finding a nice quiet place, sit comfortably, set the intention for your healing and watch the transmission. Repeat periodically to receive new gifts, shifts, additional healing, energetic information.

I would love to support you with this beautiful method on your journey back to Your Authentic Self

Energy Exchange: € 88

Ready to experience Light Language for yourself?
