Will I be able to go into hypnosis?

Yes, I can assure you that everybody can go into hypnosis to some degree, everybody can reach a deeper relaxation state, you just need to be open to it. In QHHT we usually work with the theta level brain state, which is a completely natural deep relaxation state and everybody experiences that on a daily basis when falling asleep and when waking up. There is no mystery here. 🙂

You will reach the deeper relaxation state through a guided visualisation, listening to my voice.

What if I can’t even meditate?

It is not a problem if you don’t meditate. Can you daydream? Can you visualize your home or your car when you close your eyes?

Let’s try it now! Gently close your eyes and imagine you are standing in front of your home. What do you see? What does it look like from the outside? Just focus on the details, what color, what form, what texture do you see? Now imagine opening the entry door and stepping inside. What do you see inside? Go to your bedroom now and imagine the furniture, your bed, the colors and shapes. Now go to your kitchen and see in your mind how it looks – where are the table and the chairs? See? You can do this! And if not, just relax into the knowing that with practice you will be able to do this!

If you don’t meditate, just practice visualising, imagining different places (ideal holiday place), people, objects (yellow lemon, pink elephant). That already helps a lot to prepare for your session.

However, I do suggest for you to try a guided meditation before your session. I have one for you with my own voice to get used to it – you can find it here 😉

What if I fall asleep during the session?

You will not fall asleep since we are constantly communicating.

Is hypnosis safe? Can I come out of hypnosis?

It is completely safe, you are fully aware of what is happening. And absolutely, everyone comes out of hypnosis and nobody ever stays in a hypnosis state in a QHHT session! It is a common myth that people can get stuck in trance. This is simply not true. You are in control, you can even come out by yourself if you want, the facilitator cannot make you stay in hypnosis. If I were to leave the room, you would simply wake up just like from a dream state.

What should I expect during hypnosis, what do I experience, what does a regression feel like?

For most people it feels like watching a movie, a story in your mind or having a very detailed longer daydream with your eyes closed. After returning to the present moment, you feel like you had an amazing journey. Some people use more other senses than visualisation and hear, feel and just simply know things.

Can I be made to do things against my will?

A hypnotherapist will never be able to make you do something that you do not want to, you are not blind throughout the process, and you maintain your free will throughout.

What is actually the Higher Self?

The Higher Self is your higher consciousness, your divine soul that represents unification and is connected to Source, Divine Creator. It is the wise being within you that understands you, knows you, your multidimensional self, all of your lifetimes and is guiding you through your evolutionary process. It is the level of consciousness that we access in order to assist your incarnated self to learn the lessons of your present and past life experiences. The Higher Self shares information only for your highest and greatest good and will never violate your free will.

What if I had a session with another QHHT practitioner? Can I still have one for you?

Yes, of course! Although QHHT practitioners follow the same process and script, we all have different energetic blueprint, different session style and can provide different energetic space. You may want to experience another style, you may want to discover more past lives or even dig deeper into a specific lifetime or question. It is perfectly fine.

Is it safe to have hypnosis session online?

Everything is energy, energy is everywhere and we are all connected in the unified field. It has always been possible to connect over great distances (just think of telepathy). Online sessions are safe and have the same results as in-person sessions. I have all the safeguards built in the process, even if there is a disconnection due to internet issues – nothing can go wrong.

For some clients it is even more convenient to be able to do this from their own home – familiar and comfortable. In this way I can also help clients all over the world who do not have the means or time to travel, or who are unable to travel at all due to illness or physical disability.
